*TANGAZO LA MATOKEO YA MTIHANI WA UTIMILIFU EDCE NGAZI YA CHETI * Chuo cha  Ualimu Sila Arusha kinapenda kuwatangazia wanachuo wote matokeo ya mtihani wa utimilifu malezi na makuzi ya awali ya mtoto ngazi ya cheti uliofanyika june 2024. Matokeo haya yanapatikana kwa ajili yako kwenye tovuti yetu. ECDE I DOWNLOAD HERE   Kama kuna maswali au wasiwasi wowote kuhusu matokeo yako, tafadhali wasiliana na ofisi za idara husika kwa maelezo zaidi. Tunapongeza wote waliofanya vizuri katika mitihani yao na tunawatakia mafanikio katika hatua inayofuata ya masomo yao. Kwa maelezo zaidi, tembelea tovuti yetu: Imetolewa na:Ofisi ya Habari na Mawasiliano,Chuo cha Sila Arusha.



*TANGAZO LA MATOKEO YA MWISHO WA MUHULA 2024 ECDE I Chuo cha Ualimu SIla Arusha kinapenda kuwatangazia wanachuo wote matokeo ya muhula wa hivi karibuni kwa idara Early Childhood Development Education(ECDE) . Matokeo haya yanapatikana kwa ajili yako kwenye tovuti yetu.   ECDE I DOWNLOAD HERE Kama kuna maswali au wasiwasi wowote kuhusu matokeo yako, tafadhali wasiliana na ofisi za idara husika kwa maelezo zaidi. Tunapongeza wote waliofanya vizuri katika mitihani yao na tunawatakia mafanikio katika hatua inayofuata ya masomo yao. Kwa maelezo zaidi, tembelea tovuti yetu: Imetolewa na:Ofisi ya Habari na Mawasiliano,Chuo cha Sila Arusha.



Chuo cha SILA Arusha kinapenda kuwatangazia watahiniwa wote wanaotarajia kufanya mitihani ya mwisho kwamba namba za mitihani zimekwishaandaliwa. Tafadhali fanya marekebisho yoyote ya mwisho kuhusiana na usajili wako kabla ya tarehe 28 Mei 2023. Muhimu: Tarehe ya kuanza kwa mitihani ya mwisho ni tarehe 29 Mei 2023. Tarehe ya kumalizika kwa mitihani ya mwisho ni tarehe 2 Juni 2023. Jinsi ya kupata namba zako za mitihani: Tembelea tovuti ya Chuo cha SILA Arusha: Ikiwa una maswali yoyote au shida ya kiufundi, tafadhali wasiliana na Kamati ya Mitihani ya Chuo kupitia barua pepe:  Tunakutakia kila la kheri katika mitihani yako ya mwisho! Kamati ya Mitihani Chuo cha SILA Arusha

vyeti vya ECDE sila college


(vyeti vya (ECDE) sila college) Uongozi wa Taasisi ya Chuo cha Sila Arusha Unapenda kuwatangazia wahitimu wote waliofanya mtihani wao wa taifa E.C.D.E Mwezi December 2022 kwamba vyeti vyao vimekwisha toka. hivyo mnatakiwa kufika chuoni tawi la mjini kuchukua vyeti hivyo. Kuanzia tarehe 13/03/2023 – 17/03/2023 Muda wa kuchukua Ni kuanzia saa 14:00 hadi 18:00,  UPATAPO TANGAZO HILI MJULISHE NA MWENZIO We are delighted to inform all graduates who took their national E.C.D.E exam in December 2022 at Sila College Arusha that their certificates are ready for collection. The management of the college would like to notify all graduates that the certificates have been issued and are available for collection at town campus (Mianzini). The certificate collection period will run from 13th March 2023 to 17th March 2023, between 14:00hrs and 18:00hrs. We urge all graduates to make an effort to come to the college to collect their certificates within the stipulated time frame. The E.C.D.E certificate is an essential document that certifies the successful completion of the course, and it’s a critical requirement for most employers. To collect the certificate, graduates are required to come with their national identification card or passport for identification purposes. If the graduate is unable to come in person, they may nominate someone else to collect on their behalf. The nominee should carry a letter of authorization from the graduate and their identification documents. In conclusion, we congratulate all graduates who sat for the national E.C.D.E exam in December 2022 and urge them to make an effort to come and collect their certificates. We wish them success in their future endeavors, and we remain committed to providing quality education and support to our students. (vyeti vya (ECDE) sila college)

dirisha la udahili 2023-2024


(dirisha la udahili 2023-2024)Chuo Cha Sila Arusha, kinapenda kuwatangazia kufunguliwa Kwa Dirisha la usajili Kwa Mwezi wa tatu almaarufu kama (MARCH INTAKE) nyote mnakaribishwa kujiunga.Kozi zinazotolewa: UALIMU WA SECONDARI (DSEE) UALIMU DARAJA LA TATU A (IIIA) UALIMU WA WATOTO WADOGO (ECDE). HOTEL OPERATIONS SECRETARIAL & COMPUTER APPLICATION COMPUTER COURSE TOURISM AND TOUR GUIDING TOUR OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES MARCH INTAKE It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of the registration window for the March Intake at Sila College, Arusha. We welcome all individuals who seek to further their education and improve their career prospects. Our college provides a quality education that equips our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in their chosen professions. COURSES OFFERED We offer a wide range of courses tailored to meet your specific needs and interests. Our courses include Secondary Teaching (DSEE), Teaching Level Three A (IIIA), Early Children Education (ECDE), Hotel Operations, Secretarial & Computer Application, Computer Course, Tourism and Tour Guiding, Tour Operations, and International Languages. Each course is taught by experienced professionals who are passionate about imparting their knowledge and expertise to the next generation of leaders. INVITATION We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to join our March Intake and start your journey towards a brighter future. To register for any of our courses, please visit our website or come to our campus for more information. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the registration process. Thank you for considering Sila College for your educational needs. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus and helping you achieve your goals.